Community Outreach
Our mission is to " in partnership with the community to continuously provide a safe and secure environment in which to live, work and visit." In order to achieve this mission, the police department provides other services to the community in addition to the law enforcement function.
The Carlsbad Police Department offers a variety of services that inform, educate, and protect the residents of our community. While some of these services directly affect your safety and security, the police department's ultimate goal is to provide services that improve the overall quality of life in our community.
Carlsbad Education Foundation
The Carlsbad Educational Foundation (CEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides private support for public education programs throughout the Carlsbad Unified School District. Since its founding in 1983, CEF has invested over $6 million in programs for CUSD students. CEF is the only organization in Carlsbad charged with raising district-wide support for every school and student in our elementary, middle and high schools.
For more information on this program please contact Steven Evans
Shop With A Cop
“Shop with a Cop” benefits needy or neglected children from across San Diego County at our annual event held in early December. Each year, “Shop with a Cop” provides a joyful holiday for underprivileged children who, without this event, may not experience one. The participating children are identified by schools, churches and social services agencies.
On the day of the event, uniformed officers from various local, state and federal agencies volunteer their time to be with the children at SeaWorld for breakfast and a dolphin show. From SeaWorld, the children participate in a law enforcement procession and head to Target for a morning of shopping with their law enforcement partner. Each child is provided with a $200 Target gift card to spend on themselves and their family.
As this event is fully funded by grants and donations, we strive to raise $50,000 each year so that we may accommodate at least 400 children. With the generous support of our sponsors, and donations from the San Diego community, we were able to provide over 400 children with this wonderful holiday gift last year.
This program was designed to benefit underprivileged children between the ages of five and twelve years old. The purpose of this event is to provide a happier holiday season to these children and to have the children interact with law enforcement officers in a positive setting.
To get more information or donate contact Steven Evans
Special Olympics
Carlsbad POA supports children like Bob Martel. Bob considered himself one of our own and if he had a uniform, would have worn it proudly! Participating in the Law Enforcement Torch Run and Polar Plunge every year were his favorite things to do because he associated them with the department.
Every police officer was his hero and he never passed an officer without stopping to talk to them and introduce himself, usually with a hand on their shoulder or a hug if he knew them.
To get more information on this program please contact